
Monday, February 16, 2015

Sprinkles of happiness - I'm in a magazine!


This time is not the best for me but at the same time I’ve almost forgot to share this piece of happiness (thank god for it!). Yes, my calendars have been featured on Casa Facile, a lovely magazine from Italy. I’ve almost missed it if it wasn’t for Elisabetta from Little Firestar  that told me that.

Who could have imagined that! I’m so happy that people have noticed it and of course you can still download them for free here. This kind of surprises make you want to continue and do more despite the hard time in the real life.
Elisabetta was also so kind to show me how she printed them. Don’t you think it’s so cute?

So why spending a lot of money on an agenda when the net offers them for free?
Did you miss the post? here it is! Please also check the blog for all the others :-)
Have a wonderful day!


Friday, February 13, 2015

Lovely money or seed envelope - free printable

Hello, this is another time of the year that I love.
Everyone in my opinion deserve to be loved! and love must be shared otherwise you'll end up regretting it. I'm constantly looking for the meaning of it especially I wonder what's behind a couple. Well, I don't know... what I know is the meaning of love for your family and children. What would be life without them? 
This is probably not the best time for me to talk about it but I don't give up, Love is here and I know, just in different forms than you expect.
Well, to celebrate it, I've created this little envelope as it's the right time to start planting some seeds and watch them grow. 
My envelopes will have Basil seeds in it as the smell of it on my balcony is divine. 
Feel free to print them and give them to who you want.
At the front I left some blank areas so you can write what's in it. I'm thinking to create a tag too so you can add some instructions. What do you think?

Well, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY,  dear friends!

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