
Monday, September 8, 2014

Free printable birthdays calendar - for tea lovers

And to complete the series of printable for your 2015 agenda, here's a useful printable reminder for all your birthdays. The good thing about it, is that you can use it year after year so no need to rewrite the dates every start of the new year.

To download them, click here or on the image

At the end of the calendar, you can also find a page for your notes... so print as many as you want.
Now, I need your help! do you think I need to design something else for the agenda? I know I'm missing something but I can't remember.
For now here's what I have done so far (see previous post to download them all):

  1. Cover
  2. 2015 monthly agenda
  3. Weekly agenda
  4. Birthday calendar
  5. Notes

Let me know if you think something else could be useful!
Thank you and I hope you are having fun printing them.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the great agenda posts! Do you have the birthday calendar in English? I'm your newest your style and look forward to your posts in 2015! Happy New Year!


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