
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Accessories: Vintage Mirrors Painted White

This post is to convince my dear friends Luca and Cinzia that their efforts to carry 2 stunning white Mirrors from Bath to the airport in a tiny car and 5 people in it was worth it. My bedroom is stunning! Thanks to my hubby for putting it up! I'll add a photo very soon.
Luca and Cinzia in the car...
Dowdy or overly ornate mirror frames become summery and modern with a coat of white paint, as shown in these spaces.
Above: A living space via OWI.
Above: A bath in London, via 1st Options.
Above: A hall mirror painted white in a London townhouse, via Light Locations.
Above: The Brooklyn living room of designer Edward Wilkerson, via New York Magazine.
Above: A collection of mirrors painted white in designer Annie Coggan's bathroom.
Above: A hallway spotted on Yatzer.
Above: A wall featuring white painted mirrors at the Brass Razoo.
Mad About Pink


  1. That Mirror is so worth it!
    Your site is so beautiful, I want one of those little hunting lodges too!
    Jorden aka Mrswhiffin on SB

  2. Those are gorgeous. Can't wait to see how yours turned out!

    HayleyK from SwapBot

  3. those mirrors look wonderful!
    *writing down on decoration list!*
    ~Riechan from Swap-bot~

  4. That is some funny picture! Reminds me of my husband and his Heck cattle skull we had to move from one part of the netherlands to the other... Similar situation, but no pictures...

  5. I sooo love your blog!!! I love decoration!! You have a very inpired blog, i'll be coming back!!
    I'm solsuny from Swap-bot

  6. Seeing those mirrors inspired me to change mine! Thanks,

    (StickerLady ~ sb)

  7. I love the idea of decorating with and altering mirrors. I've seen some really neat stuff online where people took the mirror part out and used the frame around a bulletin board or a piece of art - really elegant.

    ~TallysTreasury from swap-bot

  8. Making something white can so improve something. I was reading a tutorial about doing the similiar thing with trays of all sizes and shapes.


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