
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Craft fair

the craft fair was very good. Can't wait to do another one. All of us were so tired but it was worth it! Not only for the sales but mainly because we met nice people that shared our love for crafts.
Here's some photos and I promise I'll update my shop this many new items!

Left Sara, right Jess

The beautiful setting: Lake of Lecco
Antonella and Jess
Natural Lip balms
Purse holders
Ponytails holders, earrings, headbands, table napkins ....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tutorial Friday: Vive les vacances! Photo journal

Hello! I'm still alive after preparing tons of items for the craft market held in Lecco on Sunday. Join me from 8.30 till 7 pm and enjoy the great scenary of the lake. The stores are located on the lakefront so it's will be a full delight for your eyes.
I've been neglecting my shop lately but soon I'll add all new items I've made and I'm hoping to host a giveaway from someonelse's store.  Finger crossed for the weather!

And to make your week end more interesting, here's agreat project from Marie Claire Idees: a photo journal for your holidays to celebrate summer!

You only need paper, scissors, hole punch and a metal ring!

Just print the following  images by clicking the link above or under  them in several copies and put together as per image above.

Enjoy! for more similar project click here .

Have a good week end! xxx J

Monday, June 14, 2010

The pinkiest decor

Look, I’ve found my perfect house!

Unfortunately it belongs to Laura Terp Hansen, a Danish designer …all via Bolig a Danish magazine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Printables book labels from Image Zoo

Labels are always handy. These ones from Image zoo are so cute. To download them for free please click HERE