
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top 30 designers' bedrooms

First sunshine of the year and what do I think about?

Changing place to my furniture! Surfing the net, I’ve found this top 30 of designers’ bedrooms. Personally I just like few of them as I prefer the country look but it’s always good to get bombarded with ideas.
Via Linternaute

At the moment I’m making tonnes of lip balms and I’m enjoying it so much. As soon as I can I’ll post some pics for you and of course they’ll be on my shop! And a giveaway on the way very shortly! Keep following me!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Green House

While sick at home with the flu and a sicker than me  baby, I've decided to browse around the net for inpiration and look what I've found on Precious style! A great green house I'd love to have...even as a house!
Right now my renovation at home is going quite fast and I'll finally have access to a small garden too! But I don't think this will fit.

Apologies for not posting as often but I need some peace and quite. As soon as the house, the flu and work is sorted I'll be back full of ideas.